This Adorable 7-Month-Old Baby Appears Like A Newborn But Suffers From Rare Medical Condition



A seven-month-old child named Matthew Riddle III is making heads turn with his medical condition.


Despite being seven months old, he’s got the looks of a newborn. It’s a condition called primordial dwarfism type II. Despite the health challenges, he’s still proving to the world that good things come in tiny packages.

Source: Healthline

The little fellow is cute with big brown eyes and a cheeky grin, not to mention those tiny tootsies. He’s just like how a newborn would appear. But he’s not a newborn and it’s explaining to many people out there why he looks the way he does, his parents shared.

His rare medical condition is called microcephalic osteoplastic primordial dwarfism type II. This means he will always remain small.

Yes, he’s normal in terms of his other systems but it’s just that he’s extra small. ‘There’s nothing wrong with being a little different’- his parents shared.


He was born just 0.554 kilograms and many concerns continue to arise regarding his growth during the pregnancy period of his mother.

She was induced at just 28 weeks and she feared for his life and hers. Now, after spending 98 days in the NICU, he’s healthy enough to face the real world and go home.


At first, even doctors were so confused about his condition’- the mother added.  He just stopped growing and they were shocked. Many even feared that it might impact his survival but he proved all the odds against him wrong and now is happy and healthy.

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