A young boy named Seth made news in Brigham City, Utah, for the unique way he ran his business. There was no lemonade stand for Seth outside his house. Instead, he had a sign that said “Ice Cool Beer.” His neighbours were worried at first because the green letters on his poster weren’t clear, and one of them called the cops.
But when the police showed up to look into it, they found that Seth was actually selling root beer. The connection to “beer” was a clever marketing trick that showed how smart Seth was as a businessman and how to get people to buy.
The Brigham City Police Department thought Seth’s plan for marketing was funny and smart. They liked how creative and determined he was, so they chose to help him with his business by sharing his story on social media.
This event shows how important it is for the community to help young entrepreneurs and makes you think of creative ways that young people with business ideas can be successful. People can learn from Seth’s story and see that anyone can be successful if they work hard and are creative.